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Mekki's Apron with 4 Tool Pockets with Leather Straps - Kitchen Leather Apron - Apron Barbecue - Jewellery Making Bib Apron - Apron

$ 89.00 each

Category: Jewelry Tools
( 5 ) 3 Rating(s)

The stylish and functional apron is handmade using a combination of durable suede leather

The full leather straps are adjustable so the apron fits most waist sizes
The stylish and functional apron is handmade using a combination of durable suede leather

It protects your clothing and is perfect for hard use. The comfortable but durable feel of the apron makes it easy to move around in whilst protecting against scratches while you work in kitchen or anywhere
Jewellery making kit
It comes with one leather pockets for keeping your essentials. Genuine leather pockets, which gives a perfect style and fit


Made from High grade Hardened Steel

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